Wanderer roams about without a fixed route or destination, could never be lost,
as she is always where she is supposed to be at the right place and time,
guided by the Universe higher wisdom.
Notes from my wanderings:
Soft, furry caterpillar gently hugs a slender grass stem.
Little snail snuggles on a wide palm of a burdock leaf, basking in the warm rays of twilight.
The smell of warm evening sun intertwines with green aromas of grass, wild nettles
and hawthorn blossom.
I am walking down the dry earthy path that runs between the endless field of golden barley
and a winding brook. The water sings merrily echoing the happy chirruping of the birds,
then it slows and nearly stops in a thoughtful meditation under the long branches of willows.
After a while, it breaks free from the tight embrace of the steep banks to continue joyfully and freely its sonorous run to the faraway sea.
Yesterday I went to watch the most beautiful sunset.
The sun forever seemed to stay on the horizon line.
It felt as close as at arm's reach and still so untouchable, but then it gave up on shining and slowly started to paint the sky in a gentle pink goodbye, with a caressing lavender calmness and a fluffy yellow warmth.
The sunset is always a transcendent and a calming time for me.
It fills my soul with quiet joy and contentment.
The sunrise is a blinding, burning sensation that makes me sing loudly and walk, skipping as a child from the bubbles of joy bursting inside of me.
Poplars. The rustling whisper of falling leaves. Sweet memories of childhood. Early autumn walks down the poplars' alleys.
First days of school, still warm and light in the afternoons on my way home, walking the quiet street of the past.
It takes me back to these bright moments of childhood, to rare moments of complete happiness and soft acceptance of everyone and everything.
And the time stops so I can become fully immersed into this sensation of unity and love.