I am alone.
Time stops when I am alone.
I breathe in and go deep into my body, I breathe out.
And with every breath, I go deeper and deeper into my body.
I feel the beat of my heart, the blood flowing in my veins, I sense the energy, circulating through every cell of my physical being.
I listen to the living language of my body with a compassionate and open mind.
My body tells me stories of past struggles and victories, of hurt and pleasure, of joy and sadness, of fear and hope and the contentment of accepting the change.
My body doesn't judge me, my body loves me and does everything possible and sometimes impossible to make and keep me healthy and strong.
So I open up to it's healing power and surrender to every sensation this healing brings.
I am the breath of air in my lungs, the warmth in my tummy, the pulse in my wrist.
My mind is silent and my soul is humbled by the incredible ability of the body to heal not just me right here and now, it's healing power reaches deep into my past and into my future.
I trust, I surrender, I heal.
I am trusting the healing Love.
I am healed.
I am Love!
I am whole and strong.
I feel grateful for this healing time in solitude with myself.
And time flows again...