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In the loft you can find all sorts of different information about colours, aromatherapy, herbs, personality tests as well as books that I enjoy reading and other interesting stuff that I would love to share.

This is a fun test to do in a team or a group of people!


Here is one of my favourite detoxes that I do twice a year (in September and in March), but it can be done anytime you feel you are in need of re-energising or boosting a 'healthy eating' mindset.

10 day detox programme:






Day 1 – preparation - Friday

It is recommended to begin the detox on Friday. In order to prepare the body to detox, avoid stimulants (coffee and tea) and depressants (alcohol). We also recommend that you avoid eating bread, pasta, breakfast cereal.

The last meal may consist of a large vegetable or fruit salad, eaten no later than 6 pm. This gives your body 12 hours to prepare for the process of purification.

Physical activities are advisable each day from 30 to 60 minutes. Not very intense, but lengthy, that will facilitate the process of cleansing and rejuvenation.

Day 2 and 3 fruit diet – Saturday and Sunday.


Fruit diet is the fastest way to detox.

You might or you might not experience weakness, headache or emotional irritability during the first couple of days. In any case it is a good idea to have plenty of rest, drink water and herbal teas of your choice!

For one day you choose one fruit. If it is too much of a good thing, you can change the fruit in the middle of the day with an interval of 2 hours.  


Choice of fruits:

Apples - pectin in apples helps remove toxins from the system. They act as “brooms" sweeping the intestines, removing “rubbish” from the body. They improve functioning of liver and digestive system, rich in vitamins and minerals.


Grapes: very efficiently clean the skin, liver, intestines and kidneys. Excellent source of energy, rich in minerals, participate in cell production.


Pineapple: contributes to the process of breakdown of protein waste and remove it from the body. Has a regenerating and calming action on internal organs.


Watermelon: an excellent diuretic that promotes "flushing" of the systems. Soothes the stomach, stabilises blood pressure, and improves intestinal function.

Mango and papaya also contribute to the breakdown of protein waste, cleanse your colon and help to regulate the digestive system.


Try not to eat all the time. It's tiring for the body, but don’t starve either.

Create a variety of dishes by finely grating the fruit, beautifully decorating your plate and try to slice it differently. You can make a smoothie, add ice and get a fruit cocktail.

Each morning starts with breathing, following  by dry brushing of the body. It is recommended to do it in the upwards movements from bottom to top.

Huge amount of toxins are eliminated through the skin. It is very important to remove the top layer of the epidermis with a brush,and also it will improve the circulation.

Then take a contrast shower.


Before breakfast drink a glass of juice - half a lemon and half an orange, diluted with water. Lemon tea or peppermint tea is also very good drinks for an exhilarating start to the day.


Day 4 – 8 (Monday to Friday).


Breakfast: fruit (not bananas).

Lunch: salad of raw vegetables: any combination of your choice. It is desirable to add seeds, sprouted beans with a little bit of olive oil and lemon juice.

Dinner: steamed veggies or quickly sauteed in olive oil.

Dinner and lunch are interchangeable. You can add nuts and seeds, as well as any herbs (basil, dill, parsley, chives, etc.) to your salad and cooked vegetables

Throughout the diet you can drink herbal teas and infusions of your choice, freshly made vegetable and fruit juices.


Day 9-10.


These days are designed for gradual process of going back to all inclusive diet with proteins (you can add to the usual menu at lunch and dinner 200 grams of cooked chicken or steamed fish).


After the detox you will be more mindful of the needs of your body and might use it as a excellent chance to start a more holistic way of eating and living.


Fruit Shakes
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